Our Bouquet exuberates in beautiful colors making the recipients fell radiant and special, perfect for sending a sultry and thoughtful gift surprise to a loved one on a special day. This Bouquet comes with Our very popular Confetti Filled 20 inch Clear balloon, 1 heart foil, and 3 latex balloons, tied to a balloon weight. These balloons are helium filled, causing them to float, lifespan of this arrangements varies however usually holds up well for 48hrs, some customers attest to 1 whole week. The bouquet colors are fully customizable.
Delivery Schedule
We offer a NEXT DAY delivery service ONLY
Delivery is available Tue - Fri 11-2pm/ Sat 9am-3pm. There is no approximate time between this window, however we will try our best to meet special requests.
Please send us a text if you have a preferred time. Send a text to 902-580-7831
When can i pick-up
Pick up is available Tue - Fri 11-2pm. And Sat 10-4pm
Please contact us to confirm Saturday pickups. Send a text to 902-580-7831
Last minute orders
May at times be considered to hospitals or for newborn baby arrival , if we are available in the shop and can satisfactorily carry out the request. A 3hr window must be available for us to consider the request, only pick up is available for these requests.